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Discover what’s included in the AdminKit zip-file, including our precompiled, source code flavors and file names.

Inside the zip-file you’ll find the following directories and files. Both compiled and minified distrubution files, as well as the source files are included in the package.

  ├── .babelrc
  ├── .npmrc
  ├── package.json
  ├── postcss.config.js
  ├── webpack.config.json
  ├── README.md
  ├── src/
  │   ├── css/
  │   │   ├── 1-variables/
  │   │   ├── 2-mixins/
  │   │   ├── 3-components/
  │   │   ├── 4-utilities/
  │   │   ├── 5-vendor/
  │   │   └── app.scss
  │   ├── js/
  │   │   ├── modules/
  │   │   ├── vendor/
  │   │   └── app.js
  │   ├── fonts/
  │   └── img/
  └── dist/
      ├── css/
      │   └── app.css
      ├── js/
      │   └── app.js
      ├── fonts/
      └── images/